Since 1996 after California, more than 39 states and U.T.s, including Maryland, have allowed medical marijuana and other cannabis products to patients who need weed products to get the therapeutic benefits from their mental health or physical health issues. Maryland passed a bill named Natalie M. LaPrade Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC) in 2013 that allowed the residents to use medical marijuana with a valid MMCC ID or medical marijuana card in Maryland. This bill has been serving since 2017. But the patients who are willing to possess medical marijuana and cannabis products will need to qualify the state government’s guidelines regarding mental or physical illness from an authorized marijuana doctor in Maryland. According to the medical marijuana laws in Maryland, here are the following health and other qualifying conditions to get approval for your medical marijuana or MMCC ID card in Maryland:

Health Qualifying Conditions

As per the medical marijuana laws, the patient, whether adult or minor, can apply for an MMCC ID card if and only if the applicant is qualified for the following health conditions:

  • Anorexia: Anorexia is a complex health ailment in which a person purposely limits their food consumption to manage their emotional changes. These intended dietary limitations lead the patients to several nutritional insufficiencies that affect their overall health.
  • Cachexia: Cachexia is a “wasting” disorder that affects excessive weight loss and muscle wasting, including body fat loss. This complex condition hits people who are Final stages of severe diseases, including AIDS or HIV, cancer, kidney disease, CHF or Congestive heart failure, and COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
  • Chronic Pain: Chronic pain is described as distress or pain that continues for more than 90 days. This pain can come and go randomly or continue for a long time. There is no particular part of the body, such as joints or head, where Chronic pain can be felt or happen; it can occur anywhere and anytime.
  • Glaucoma: It is a disorder that weakens a person’s eye optic nerve. In this situation, a person’s eyes get damaged due to abnormally high pressure in them. It gets worse over time if it does not get treated on time. It can affect one or both eyes. With the help of medical cannabis and marijuana products, the patient can reduce intraocular pressure (IOP). That is why this health condition is added to the qualifying conditions. But keep in mind, you have to get a recommendation from a licensed doctor that is possible online. Many online platforms such as My MMJ DOCTOR offer recommendations for a Maryland medical marijuanas card without stepping out from a house.
  • Muscle spasms: Muscle Spasms, also known as Muscle Cramps, happen when a person’s muscle automatically and forcefully shrinks uncontrollably and can’t rest. These contractions can harm someone’s body tissue and include part or all muscle or several muscles in a group.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD: PTSD is an ailment regarding the mental wellbeing that can be set off after undergoing or regarding a horrible experience. The symptoms of PTSD can be nightmares, severe anxiety, flashbacks, or stubborn thoughts about the event.
  • Seizures: A seizure is an explosion of unlimited electrical action among nerve cells or brain cells, also known as neurons, that begins short freaks in muscle movements, including twitching, stiffness, or limpness, actions, sensations, or limitations of awareness.
  • Severe Nausea: Chronic Nausea or Severe Nausea is a sign of the following digestive system, such as:
  • Non-Ulcer Dyspepsia
  • Gastroparesis
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
  • Peptic ulcer disease
  • Bowel obstruction
  • Migraine headache
  • Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome
  • Autonomic dysfunction
  • Brain or spinal fluid
  • Abdominal or pelvic organs
  • Balance centers in your inner ear

Along with the health condition mentioned earlier, it can be a severe lifelong curative disease and for which other medications started to have less effectiveness.

Health Qualifying Conditions For Hospice Patients

The following health conditions are for the hospice patients who are suffering from a severe disease, including cancer, AIDS or HIV, and more on the last stage and they have less than six months to live:

  • Progressing weakness or tiredness
  • A change in cognitive and functional capacities
  • Conciliated ADLs or Activities of Daily Living
  • A Specific decline in condition
  • Progressive weight loss or edema weight

The Requirements To Qualify For Maryland Medical Marijuana Card

Even if the patient qualifies for among the as mentioned earlier, mental or physical health conditions, the applicant should complete the following conditions to get an MMCC ID Card:

  • The patient should be a resident of Maryland during the time of the application.
  • The residency proof can be a driving license or I.D. card issued by the state government.
  • The patient needs to have a medical situation as per the guidelines of MMCC.
  • The patient should have a valid certification written and signed by a licensed doctor on their letterhead. However, if the patient is a veteran receiving medical care at a V.A. facility, the patient will not require a certificate.

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